
Saturday, 20 August 2011

My lovely A5 Malden!


Yesterday I spent ages rearranging the set-ups of my Personal and A5 Maldens. I just can't seem to settle on a particular fixed set-up for the Personal; when I think I have finally found the perfect set-up, I read someone's blog and it gives me ideas for my filofax and suddenly I have to rearrange the whole thing! Well, basically I wanted to stop duplicating a lot of the lists etc in both of these filos. At first, my Personal held a section for me/fun stuff. I wanted to keep this in my filofax I have with me all of the time because I am trying to spend more time during term-time doing fun stuff, rather than 24/7 doing uni stuff, or else I'll crash one day because I have just had NO free time. But then when I decided to buy my A5 I wanted to put it all in here too. And recently I realised that I had a lot of the stuff in 2 places. I wanted to make some more space in my personal for the upcoming term's DPP diary (3 months), and while it was so fat with all these duplicated pages I wouldn't be able to fit it in. Also, I wanted to stop using coloured notepaper in my personal, and just use white to make it look more stylish and professional, so I would rewrite the pages and lists on coloured paper. One day I took all of the miscellaneous pages out of my filofax to do all this, which gave me a good excuse to see what I really needed in both filofaxes. Well, long story short, I rearranged both my personal and A5 Maldens. This is an overview of the new set-up of my A5 Vintage Pink Malden.

The first section is Diary. I have the rest of the year's DodoPad (used for forward planning of to-dos), the rest of 2011's WO2P diary (not using this at the moment, don't know what to do with this) and WO2P columned, which I have had to stretch across the next academic year.

Purple sparkly card
I have some lovely dividers for my tabbed section. The first 2 are beautiful sparkly purple card, but it is made of some strange paper, that almost feels like soft, smooth art paper. It is easily creased and damaged, so I am trying to be careful with it. The second 2 are made of some metallic, reflective pink card with raised raised spots.
Pink reflective card

The first section I have behind these dividers is my 'Time Management' section. It holds lots of my rotas, routines and timetables I am going to use to help organise my time etc at uni. They will all contribute to making my overall rota. I used to have these in my personal filo, but I don't really have a need to take them with me everywhere they go, so they can stay at home in my lovely A5.

Then I have my 'To-do Projects section; projects that are made up if a lot of to-dos. For example, the project 'Sorting bedroom' is made up of a list of areas to sort. My main projects (ones that aren't made up of a set of to-dos) e.g. housewarming party, are in the next section.

Lastly I have my 'fun' section: blog planning stuff, books I want to read etc. I put the divider from my personal filo in here because I love it so much!

I have tried to keep my A5 simple because I know I can really overcomplicate it if I think about it too much. I hope that it will work for me; I just can't seem to settle on a set-up for long! But the beauty of filofaxes is that they can adapt to whatever you need them to do. I may use it as my at-home thesis planner when I do my PhD.


  1. I loved this post what shop did you get the paper from? xxx love the pink malden :-D x

  2. And it has reminded me i need to make lots of different shcedules like daily ones and work ones weekly ones etc :-D xxx

  3. Sorry I didn't respond already Imy, my stupid email didn't tell me you'd commented!
    I bought them from a shop in Newton Abbot! It's a craft shop between the train station and the town centre :)

  4. hi there. first i have to say "YOU ARE CRAZY!! when it comes to filofax, and reorganising, and buying new, glossy, shiny papers and dividers and absolutely WANT to write a Journal, but never do it for longer than…. 5 days?? And I love it! Cause i´m the same haha“
    none of my friends understand my filofax-love and the outstanding USE of them, although you spend hour over hour to organise it the "PERFECT" way, which I think really really doesn´t exist. but psssst ;)

    Next question: is this the A5 malden in Vintage pink? or is it another colour, cause it´s looking very darkcoloured on you pics.

    So please go on beeing that crazy about the filos, write it down and let us know!!!

    "thank you" for let me know, i´m not alone ;)

    Nina from Germany

  5. Haha Nina, thanks for all your compliments, I love being crazy about Filofaxes! If you haven't already, please visit, where you will find lots of other Filofax crazies!!
    And yes it is the vintage pink, but because the leather is shiny it is difficult to capture the real colour in photos!

  6. hi again. i visited your blog again, and saw "my A5 Vintage Pink Malden." above the picture ^^ but thanks for answering.

    my next filo also would be a malden, also in vintage pink i think and also in a5 (cause its THE size, i think) and i already planned a 5-day-trip with my best friend to london - just for visiting conduit street :DDD, stroking my new malden and take it home with me.

    and thanks for the blog-hints. but in germany there is "" and from them i went to philofaxy, and from them i found you ;)

    so the circle ends haha.

    and about beeing crazy about filofaxes. i thought about it:
    would my friends try to understand my filo-love just a liiiiiiiiiittle bit, i think i wouldn´t have to carry it to excess, like i do with all my dividers, and coverpics, and usefull-selfmade-pages, and birthday calendars, coloured papers, original-filo-mirror (absolutely UNusefull, but i had to have it ^^)
    and so on.....
    the more the people say, why do you need it, your so antiquated using a filofax, the more i buy and think about upgrading and advancing it. hahaha
    crazy world.

    have a nice weekend!!!

  7. @Nina
    Isn't it lovely to be able to have something you can make your own and love completely!! Do you have a blog where I can read about your filofax?
    You're so lucky to be able to go to Conduit Street! It's definitely Filofax-Nirvana! And it is the best feeling to be able to actually buy your filo in the shop and be able to walk away with it in your bag, rather than have to order it!
    Enjoy your trip!

  8. "isn´t it lovely to be able to have something you can make your own and love completely"
    - who needs pets? they´re just hairy. hahah. joke! pets are great of course, but can you write all your thougts on them? put new coloured papers in it.... Oo ok now it get´s a bit strange. hahahah
    sorry for that.

    ääähm. i´m looking so forward to go to london. never where in the uk. and the great feeling to choose your filo and take it with you immediately, instead of wait for the shipping.... yes sure it´s great. but... i have to wait till january, till i can go there. so... same bad feeling of WAITING! i hate waiting!
    i just have to calm down, not think about it tooo enthusiastic and use my time till january for my lovely "little" a5 bond. create new sheets for the new one, and so on. i think there are enough possibilities to costumise it ;) but whom i telling hehe.

    i´m sorry i have no blog yet. but it seams real funny to do it. so ... maybe i start one in the next month. and let you know then ;)
    bye bye

  9. me again:
    can i ask you a question?
    what are the main advantages speaking FOR personal size?
    ok, it´s not that huge as the a5, there is a way bigger selection of paper and essentials and also filos.
    but... what else?
    most people in the blogs i read, use the personal size. here in germany we use the A4 and A5 size everywhere. so if i wanna take a sheet of work with me, just fold it once and add it in my filo. also the creation of new personalised sheets is much easier..

    so can U tell me the outstanding reason for CHOOSE A PERSONAL SIZED ONE!
    (sorry if it´s off topic, u can move my post if you want)

  10. Hi Nina,

    I think the main advantage for me is that the personal size is so portable. I carry so many books etc to uni everyday, I couldn't carry an A5 Filo too. If I did, it would have to be in my bag all the time when I am walking through campus, and I prefer to be able to hold my Filo in my hand. So I guess those are the main reasons I prefer the Personal!

  11. alright... i did it. 5 hours ago i ordered my purple domino. PERSONAL SIZED. i want to be able to understand each one of you. so i thought... take one, test the size, and then in january/february you absolutely can say if you buy a malden in A5 oooor in personal. or both of them. or 50 other filos in personal or A5 too.
    so i´ll test it. and maaaybe i´m able to start my own blog and tell everyone about my neeeew life with the personal size. ( i already can hear your commentpage screaming "jippieyaheeey") hehe

    thanks for your help and patience ;)
