
Sunday, 21 August 2011

Grrr!! As soon as I finished reorganising my personal daily Malden and A5 Malden I found that I wasn't happy with the new set-ups! I seem to constantly need to rearrange them because I can't find the perfect set-up for me!  I really want to sort this out once and for all by mid-September, because I don't want to have to keep rearranging it during term-time; I spent ages doing Filofax things earlier this year when I should have been working.

Does anyone else find it difficult to find their perfect set-up?


  1. Yep... spent one weekend trying to sort a personal, slimline and pocket out in to some sense of order. In the end the Personal and Pocket got the deal!

  2. This is the story of my life, though I tend to keep the same items no matter what binder I use. But I can drive myself absolutely crazy thinking about how to change things up, making those changes, and changing back. Oh well. It's the curse of the obsession, I suppose. =)
