
Sunday, 7 July 2013

How I organise Filofax videos in my Youtube playlists!

Hi guys!!

Today's post is how I organise my youtube playlists- mainly the Filofax ones!!

I love watching youtube videos! About fountain pen advice, Sims 3 house building and game tricks, scrapbooking techniques... and FILOFAXES!!! I watch them all the time, and in the last few months I've been watching them more and more, even instead of watching TV! I like to keep a 'collection' of the youtube videos I like- just like people collect matchbook cards or postage stamps, I like to add to my collection of videos! And it can all be done so easily nowadays with youtube, I don't have to have a bookcase full of homemade VHS video tapes!

I use Youtube's playlist function to organise my videos. It isn't as customisable as I would like- I wish I could organise sections within each playlist, but this isn't possible. One day I might figure out a way to organise them better, or I might dedicate several pages to them in my Filofax, but for now I'm focussing on adding videos to my playlists rather than searching for a particular video, so at the moment I'm not concerned if they're not so organised within the playlist.

You can see some of my playlists here:
You can't see all of them because several are private- e.g. the playlists I am currently sorting out and not ready to make public yet.
These are the playlists I have:
Public- Filofaxes, Filofaxes 2, Filofaxes 3, Crafting.
Private- Filofaxes Videos- to sort, Favourite videos (default youtube playlist)
Also: Watch Later list

I have playlists for my main hobbies- Filofaxes (obviously!!), and crafting- this is a new playlist, with only 14 videos in it, mainly scrapbooking techniques, but soon I will add videos about knitting, crochet and cross-stitch. I'm also thinking of making a playlist for fountain pens etc. Any videos I like which don't fit into these categories mainly go into my Favourite videos playlist.

Ok, now here's what I wanted to talk to you about: How I organise my Filofax videos!!!

I have 3 playlists of Filofax videos- Why? Because youtube limits each playlist to hold only 200 videos, so when that playlist fills up I have to make a new playlist. So in total, those 3 playlists hold... 590 Filofax videos and counting!!! Well, actually some of them are Midori Traveler's Notebook and Franklin Covey/Day Timer videos, but you get the point! These playlists are growing everyday and soon I'm going to have to make a 4th playlist! I made my playlists public so anyone can look at them and watch videos from them! :)

Links to my Filofax playlists:
'Filofaxes' playlist
'Filofaxes 2' playlist
'Filofaxes 3' playlist

How do I find and add so many videos?

I find most of my videos from Philofaxy Video Web Finds! Twice a week Steve posts a list of the most recent Filofax videos. He doesn't add some of them- vertical videos are a big no no!!...

... and he doesn't usually include many unboxing videos, hauls or decorating videos. Mainly he includes videos which you can learn something from, or which show you something you may not have seen before.
I also get links to videos from facebook and twitter, people's blog posts and suggested videos on youtube. Occasionally I search for 'Filofax' on youtube, arranging the search results by 'most recent' etc to make sure I haven't missed any new videos!

I click on each link and press the 'Watch Later' button at the bottom of each video. This adds the video to my 'Watch Later' list.

With all of these videos added to my Watch Later list (which can also only hold 200 videos, and they can quickly add up to this number!), I start watching them!! This is the fun part :) I love most Filofax videos, but I generally don't watch unboxing videos, because I already know what the Filofaxes look like from photos etc. I know some people like unboxing videos, it feels to them like they are unboxing a new filofax themselves, but as I have so many videos to watch, I have to narrow it down somehow! I also don't watch many hauls or RAK (Random Act of Kindness) videos, because most of these videos come from the US, and they have amazing craft shops over there with stationery bits I can't buy here, so I get really jealous!!

After I have finished watching a video, then I have to sort it into a playlist. If I know I haven't watched it before, I add it to my latest Filofax playlist. These playlists are my vaults for my Filofax videos!! :)

When I made my playlists a few months ago I added videos to them randomly, with no organisation. When I looked through them I realised I had dozens of duplicates- it took me hours to sort through and delete the duplicates! To ensure that I don't create any more duplicates within the playlists (and with 3 separate playlists, this is easy to do!), I have to take precautions- this is why I have my private playlist 'Filofax Videos- to sort' playlist. If I think I might have watched a video before (I watch so many it's hard to remember!), or if it's older than a couple of weeks, I add it to this playlist. When this playlist gets quite full (100 videos or more), I first sort through the playlist to make sure I don't have duplicates within it- I rearrange them by name or length etc, so that duplicates go together, and then delete any duplicates that I find. Then I open up my 3 Filofax playlists in different tabs on my internet browser, and do ctrl+f to search for the name of each video from my 'To Sort' playlist. If I find that I have a video in one of my playlists already, I delete it from my 'To Sort' playlist; if I find that I don't already have it in a playlist, I add it to my current Filofaxes playlists, then I delete it from the 'To Sort' playlist! It takes quite a long time to do this, but it's fine by me if it works in the end!! I love having my collection of Filofax videos!

So after a very long blog post, the moral to this story is...

I make these Filofax playlists so you don't have to!! Please feel free to use them as resources to watch Filofax videos!!
Follow the links I posted above and save them to your favourites in your web browser! :)


  1. Thank you for doing this, I LOVE Filofax videos, so much inspiration :)

  2. haha, I also skip the haul videos most the time, because in Germany I can't get the things from their stores either lol I can't even get the famous repositionable Martha Stewart labels :D !!
    I file all the FF videos similar to yours, but I never come up with the crtl+f search, thx for the idea!
