
Sunday, 26 May 2013

Liebster Blog Award Nominations and my 5 favourite blogs!!

I'd like to say thank you to everyone who has nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award!
They are:
Clara at My Summer Touch
Angela at LiveLoveOrganize
Andrea at Little Life of Andrea
Mzelle at Mzelle's World
Ella at Nerdzilla
Joseph at Joseph David Quinton
Lori V at Purple is my Happy
Hetty at Hetty Stratton

I know you are supposed to answer the questions the nominators set, but that would be a lot of questions and I really don't like sharing personal things on the internet!
I haven't really been following the Liebster award thing, so I won't be sending out my own nominations, but here are my Top 5 favourite blogs/bloggers (and it was VERY difficult to narrow it  down to 5, there are a lot more blogs that I LOVE!!!)

Philofaxy- courtesy of Steve, Laurie, Nan and Anita
Plannerisms- Laurie
Crazy Suburban Mom- Tracy
Imysworld- Imy
Paperlovestory- Angela


  1. Thank you for the mention Kate .


  2. I nominated you today! Here's my blog post:

  3. I've also nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award! Please visit my blog for more info:
