
Thursday, 28 March 2013

My Midori Traveler's Notebook: How I use it as my Planner!!


Here's my video about my Midori Traveler's Notebook!
Unfortunately, the sound quality isn't good. I have to use my laptop's webcam now, because if I record a video on my phone or my camera, youtube says it will take over 140 minutes to load the video!! But the microphone is rubbish, so the sound quality is, too!!

Therefore, I've done a blog post write up, showing you my Midori in detail! Warning: Picture heavy post!

Here she is! Her name is Maru- she's named after my favourite youtube cat, who is so funny- just search on youtube for her! She loves jumping in boxes!!! :D The Midori comes from Japan, and so does Maru- and that's the simple reason why I've named my Traveler's Notebook Maru!!

She's my planner- diary, lists, and notebook! Not my journal or sketchbook, which a lot of other people use their Midoris for- I'm not good at either of those things!

 The leather on my Midori is different to normal Midoris. She is 2nd hand, and was quite scratched when I got her, so I treated the leather with brown shoe polish, so she is a bit darker and a lot shinier than normal Midoris, and feels a lot smoother, I imagine (I've never seen another Midori in person!).

It may not look like it in the photos, but she is becoming quite a fatty! She has 3 notebooks and 2 plastic pocket inserts, plus some other bits- she is quite full, although sometimes I feel like I could stuff more inside her!
What you can't see in this photo are the plastic pockets and all the bits that are stuffed inside!

The set-up of my Midori is almost a direct transfer of what was in my personal Filofax, which you may have seen in some of my earlier videos. So you may recognise some of what I have inside my Midori from my Filofaxes!

On the inside of the front cover I have a credit card pocket stuck to the top, and a corner pocket at the bottom. I haven't found a use for them yet, but they will be very useful!
Then I have the credit card pocket insert. I don't really like it- I find it very difficult to get things out of it. I have today's cat calendar page in the top, and the kitten M&S gift card my mum gave me (there's no money on it!)

On the other side of the front half of the credit card pocket, Steve's Philofaxy business card, and 2 sets of Rilakkuma A7 memo sheets with washi tape, which I use to make little memos on my diary pages!
Then something secret next- which you will find out about on Sunday!

Then the ziplock insert, although this is the non-zip side. It's got some scrap paper in it, a stick-on credit card pocket from Kristin (I haven't decided where it should go yet), some list sheets from K and Company, and my Oli clip :)

Then the other side of the zip-lock pocket insert, with a Leuchtturm pen loop attached with washi tape, the Midori TN flyer, and a couple of receipts.
I have a to-do sheet and a spare one from a lovely pad from Paperchase, fixed to the cover of my diary insert with a paperclip.

The first insert is my diary! I made my own diary out of a squared paper Midori notebook, because Midori don't make a WO2P diary for the standard size TN.

Then I have my Organisation notebook. It has the same lists that I had in the Organisation section in my Filofax- long-term to-dos, in progress, waiting for, on my mind, keep in mind, long-term projects/hobbies, short-term projects, wishlist, shopping list, etc.

I made this myself out of normal printer paper, but it was very uneven at the edges, and so I had to modify it- I lined the long edge of each page with washi tape! It hides the ugly rough edges, and looks so pretty!

I will show you what it looks like inside in my special post on Sunday!

Then I have my notebook, in which I write notes (duh!) and the odd poem I like!

Ozymandius by Percy Bysshe Shelley!

The back of my Midori- zip-lock insert on the left, with stickers in, and credit card insert on the right, with post-its and OHTO clips. I find the credit card pockets are difficult to use, so I carefully sliced the top of one of the pockets with my craft knife, which means it is attached on 2 sides and free on 2 sides, making it easy for me to put my post-its in! (But I don't know if they will fall out!)

On the back I have my pen loop, which currently doesn't have a pen in it.

I hope you like my Midori Traveler's Notebook!

On Sunday I'm going to be writing a special post about how I'm turning my Midori into a quasi-Filofax! So you will be able to see the things I've left out of my video and post today!


  1. Aloha Kate!

    Normally I prefer Midoris to look a little battered and stuffed like a burrito, but your polished one looks gorgeous! What kindnof polish did you use? I once used black polished on a Filofax and it ended up staining my hands every time I opened it :/

    And gah...the washi-edged paper looks lovely! Hmm...

    1. Mahalo!
      I just used simple brown shoe polish! Did you make sure to buff the excess polish off once it had soaked in (10 mins after putting it on?) I love them to look stuffed too :D

  2. Thanks for sharing... it's gorgeous :)
    I love how the Midoris look as it makes me think of Indiana Jones.
