
Sunday, 24 February 2013

Filofaxes for swap!!

Hi guys!

I am undergoing a bit of a planner overhaul at the moment! Most exciting, I have a new planner, which I will tell you about very soon!
I realised that I haven't been using a lot of the Filofaxes I have in my collection. Therefore, I sold 5 of my lesser-used filos, gave 1 away, and still have 1 for sale! So now I want to overhaul the rest of my filos. I realised that I want to use my filos for my projects and hobbies, and A5-sized Filofaxes are perfect for this, rather than personal size- so therefore there are lots of personal-sized filos which are going to be neglected!

As a result, I have taken the decision to put up most of my personal filos for swap for A5 Filofaxes. I have to emphasise:

These Filofaxes are my beloved Filos!!
I love them a lot, and it is a hard thing for me to let them go!
Therefore, I will only accept A5 Filofaxes that I really want! Please don't be insulted if I don't want to swap one of my personal Filos for the one you are offering; I am very picky!!

The Filofaxes I will consider swapping are:

Personal Plum Osterley
Personal Purple Malden

Personal Wine Holborn
Personal Raspberry Chameleon

Personal Aqua Chameleon

Personal Red Amazona

These Filofaxes are not for sale, only for swap!

There are some Filofaxes I am not considering swapping; these include my favourite Ochre Malden personal.

I would like in exchange:

A5 leather Filofaxes. I'm pretty open about which models! (However, I already have an A5 Ochre Malden, A5 Purple Malden, A5 Raspberry Chameleon, and A5 Red Amazona, so I don't need those!)
No non-leather (e.g. Domino or Metropol) Filos, please!
Must be in good (or better) condition! MUST have good rings!

A large, brown (or 5th Anniversary) Midori Traveler's Notebook

To get in contact:

Please don't use the comments box here (or twitter or facebook) to propose a swap- it's too difficult to communicate like that! Instead, please email me at bernasconiray [at] hotmail [dot] com. 
Via email I can send you more photos, tell you about the condition of the filos, and we can chat properly!

Thanks guys!


  1. OMG, I'm dying over your collection. I wish I had an A5 to trade with you. So jealous.:)

  2. Damn - I was tempted by the orange Osterley, but I went to the case to look at what I could swap and I swear they started crying... (or maybe that was just me) :-)
