
Sunday, 24 February 2013

Filofaxes for swap!!

Hi guys!

I am undergoing a bit of a planner overhaul at the moment! Most exciting, I have a new planner, which I will tell you about very soon!
I realised that I haven't been using a lot of the Filofaxes I have in my collection. Therefore, I sold 5 of my lesser-used filos, gave 1 away, and still have 1 for sale! So now I want to overhaul the rest of my filos. I realised that I want to use my filos for my projects and hobbies, and A5-sized Filofaxes are perfect for this, rather than personal size- so therefore there are lots of personal-sized filos which are going to be neglected!

As a result, I have taken the decision to put up most of my personal filos for swap for A5 Filofaxes. I have to emphasise:

These Filofaxes are my beloved Filos!!
I love them a lot, and it is a hard thing for me to let them go!
Therefore, I will only accept A5 Filofaxes that I really want! Please don't be insulted if I don't want to swap one of my personal Filos for the one you are offering; I am very picky!!

The Filofaxes I will consider swapping are:

Personal Plum Osterley
Personal Purple Malden

Personal Wine Holborn
Personal Raspberry Chameleon

Personal Aqua Chameleon

Personal Red Amazona

These Filofaxes are not for sale, only for swap!

There are some Filofaxes I am not considering swapping; these include my favourite Ochre Malden personal.

I would like in exchange:

A5 leather Filofaxes. I'm pretty open about which models! (However, I already have an A5 Ochre Malden, A5 Purple Malden, A5 Raspberry Chameleon, and A5 Red Amazona, so I don't need those!)
No non-leather (e.g. Domino or Metropol) Filos, please!
Must be in good (or better) condition! MUST have good rings!

A large, brown (or 5th Anniversary) Midori Traveler's Notebook

To get in contact:

Please don't use the comments box here (or twitter or facebook) to propose a swap- it's too difficult to communicate like that! Instead, please email me at bernasconiray [at] hotmail [dot] com. 
Via email I can send you more photos, tell you about the condition of the filos, and we can chat properly!

Thanks guys!

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Mini-update, and plannerness...

Hi guys!

I've been quiet the past couple of weeks- my life has been crazy busy. I'm volunteering at my local museum now, which is amazing; and also my brother is ill at the moment, after having a (scheduled) operation last Friday, but since then he had to go to A+E twice this week in mini-emergencies. It's been stressful and jam packed full of medical things (clinics, pharmacies, nurses) every day, but hopefully he's on the mend.

Anyway, I just wanted to write a quick note to say that at the moment my planner-use is in flux. I have a new planner which I haven't shown you yet. It's A5, it's leather... but it's not a Filofax! I have named her 'Dora'- you will understand when I tell you about her! I will show you her soon!
I'm still in the process of setting up my new planner and customising it, and I can't wait to do a video for you, hopefully ready for next Thursday's post (depending on how busy I am this week).

I'm also thinking about an improved way I can use my Plannerisms planner. At the start of this year I told you about how I was using it. It was working great, and taught me how to forward-plan, in particular for my projects, hobbies and goals. But recently I have been neglecting it, in particular forgetting to check it regularly. As a result (or maybe because I have been so busy with important life things this week), I have been neglecting my projects and goals! I realised I need to adjust how I use it, by using it to plan out my projects more precisely. I'll do a post on that as soon as I'm happy with it!

Good night!! 

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Filofaxes for Sale!


I've decided to sell some of my beautiful Filofaxes, ones which I haven't used recently, and need a good home!!
I'm unemployed at the moment, so I really need the money!

All prices exclude P+P. I'm open to buyers around the world, but postage will cost more!

If you would like to buy one, or would like more photos or details, please email me at bernasconiray at hotmail dot com! Thanks!

Personal Teal Finchley    SOLD

This Filofax is absolutely gorgeous! She is in excellent condition, and is very rare to buy now!

I am open to offers for this beauty, although I have a reserve in my head! 

Personal Chili Cuban Zipped

Only 2 words are needed for this filo: 30mm Rings!!! It's in good condition, but there are some dents (2 small on the front and 2 on the back) from the previous user.

I'm looking for £45 for this filo, plus p+p, or nearest offer.

Personal Navy Portland     SOLD

This is such a gorgeous Filofax, with amazing supple leather, and as it's vintage, it's very rare nowadays! This filo is in used condition- she was well-loved by the previous owner, with a dent on the back where she was lovingly held in someone's hand for years!

I am open to offers for this beautiful vintage filo!

Personal Red Butterfly   SOLD

Good condition, but with some damage to the clasp (before I bought it). Therefore it's going for a cheap price!

Just £10 plus p+p!

Pocket Brown Kendal     SOLD

Great condition! He lays perfectly flat, and has gorgeous soft leather! This little filo is getting rarer by the day on the web! 

I'm looking for £20 plus p+p, or nearest offer!

Pocket Pink Botanic    Going to a Philofaxer's little girl!

Excellent condition! A great little filo!

I'm looking for £10 plus p+p for her!

Mini Caramel Finchley     SOLD

And last but not least, is my 2nd ever Filofax! She's so cute and lovely! Excellent condition! Hard to find now, very rare!

I'm looking for £30 plus p+p, or nearest offer!

Monday, 11 February 2013

Planner Paradox: Filofaxes- A bit of a moan on youtube!

Hi guys! 10 days since I last posted, woops!!

Today I made a youtube video. It's a bit ranty/moany (are those words? They look wrong!!), in which I'm waffling to the camera about my planner paradox!

Basically, I realised that my 'hobby' (*read: obsession) of Filofaxes and all things planner-related is taking up way too much of my time, instead of my planner doing what it should be doing, helping me to organise my time, and do things that I need to do! I can spend most of my day online, watching youtube videos, reading blog posts etc, thinking about the perfect planner, The Perfect System, instead of realising that I already have a system that is perfect for me, and using my Filofax to help me get on with my day and do the things I need to do!

Talking to people about this on facebook, it seems like a couple of other people do this too!
As Steve (Philofaxy King) said, send in the men with white coats! *joking*; but I think my video does seem a bit like a cry for help!
Maybe we should start a Filofax Counselling group? FA (Filofaxers Anonymous) anyone? My place, 30th February*, tea and biscuits at the ready? ;b

Anyway, here it is for your delectation:

*P.S. Check your Filofax...

Friday, 1 February 2013

Online Petition: Filofax ring mechanisms

Hi guys!

If you have been reading Philofaxy's Free For All Friday or the Philofaxy Facebook group, you may have seen my (rather moany) complaint about Filofax's ring mechanisms:

I am sick of Filofax ring problems. I have a few with misalignments and mild paper snagging, in particular my personal Holborn in Wine, A5 Malden in purple, personal Amazona red, and latest my personal Osterley in plum. The rings on my Osterley weren't bad, until one day I opened and closed them to put some paper in, and I noticed 0.5mm gaps in some of the rings! It wasn't like this the night before!

Every time I see my misaligned rings, or hear other people talking about them, it completely knocks my confidence about my Filofaxes, and kills my trust in Filofax as a brand and the quality of their products. I take good care of my binders, but I am scared to use them. I think the problem with my plum Osterley happened because I dropped it (a couple of feet and on carpet), and the next time I opened the rings, they started gapping. I am also worried that if I buy one online (after they have supposedly gone through Filofax's 'Quality Control'(!), they are going to get damaged in the post, which is what has happened to at least 2 of mine, and countless belonging to other people.

All in all, I am scared to use and rely on my Filofaxes, at least away from my desk or coffee table. I know they are 'luxury' goods, but I don't think I should have to be scared to carry it around with me for fear of doing something which accidentally causes the rings to misalign further! I have returned faulty filos to Filofax UK in the past, but have just received faulty ones in return! (Or, at least, they were damaged in the post!)
We pay a LOT of money for these items, and should get QUALITY in return!! Is that too much to ask, Filofax?
I am seriously considering just using a bound planner instead- in fact, I would happily buy one today, if the concept of a Filofax wasn't brilliant! If I could make my own customisable planner using treasury tags or something, I would! Actually, I have an A5 Staples ring binder- I might start using that, with Philofaxy diary and files printed and punched!!

Filofax seem to be oblivious to these problems, even with all of the Filofaxes that have been returned to them because of faulty ring mechanisms in recent years!

So I decided to make a petition to inform them of these problems and protest against them. Please sign my petition (it takes 1 minute!), all of your support matters! If you have faulty Filofaxes, please could you list them in the 'Comments' part of the petition form.
Soon I will send it to Filofax, and I will let you know their response!

Here is the link to the petition!

Thanks everyone!!