
Monday, 21 January 2013

Filofax dividers Poll: Results!

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post and held a poll to ask you all what sort of dividers you use in your Filofax, and how many dividers/tabs/sections you use.

I was really pleased with the response to the poll, as 50 votes were placed! Thanks for answering! Here is the response:

1) What sort of dividers do you use in your Filofax?

Filofax standard dividers      24 votes
Homemade dividers             27 votes
Hand made dividers made by someone else e.g. from Etsy     0 votes
Dividers made by another planner brand       3 votes

2) How many dividers/tabs/sections do you use?

I don't use dividers or tabs        1 vote
1 divider/tab/section                  0 votes
2 dividers/tabs/sections             2 votes
3                                              2 votes
4                                              5 votes
5                                              5 votes
6                                              17 votes
7-10                                         8 votes
10-15                                       1 vote
15-20                                       2 votes
20+                                          2 votes

I also asked people to leave a comment to describe their divider/tab set up, and which divider types they use. These are worth a read on my original blog post!
Obviously, their dividers/sections reflect how they use their Filofax. Typically, several of their sections follow the 'normal' sections/uses of a Filofax- Diary, Projects, Finance etc, but then the users customise their sections or add extra sections (even added onto the standard dividers you get in a Filofax) to match their lives and their daily needs. I love how customisable Filofaxes are! Traditional-style side dividers are most common, but top-tabs are becoming very popular, especially for subsections within divider sections!

I am quite surprised at the amount of people who use the Filofax standard dividers, especially the ones with section names (rather than the 1-6 numbered dividers), as these dividers prescribe what you should use these sections for, which in my opinion goes against what a ring-bound planner is meant to be- customisable for your own life; however I wonder if you guys rename the sections? This is obviously easier with the 1-6 dividers!

I am very surprised that no-one voted for the hand made dividers made by someone else. Personally, I use a set made by someone else, which I will be talking about in my next blog post. Also, I know of a few other people who have bought hand made dividers made by other people, but I guess they didn't vote on this poll!
I think the reason there were so few people buying hand made dividers made by someone else is because dividers are so easy to make yourself! You can make them out of a range of materials, in particular scrapbooking card, which you can choose beautiful designs of, which reflect your personality or even the section contents! 27 people voted for homemade dividers, the (narrowly) most popular choice in the poll, as you can see by reading many of the Filofax blogs out there!

Looking at the 'How many dividers do you use?' section of the poll, I'm not at all surprised that the most common answer was 6 dividers/tabs/sections, because that parallels the Filofax standard dividers, at least in a personal and an A5! Only 1 person voted for the option 'I don't use dividers or tabs', and I'm not surprised that no-one voted for '1 divider/tab/section', because just 1 divider wouldn't be very useful!! A few people use a small amount of dividers, 2 or 3, which doesn't surprise me, because I only use 3! Quite a few people use between 7 and 10 dividers, and then a few people use a large amount, 10+ or even 20+, which surprises me, because I really didn't think 23mm rings could hold that many dividers (although 30mm A5/personal grand/Franklin Covey gigantic rings could!).

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