
Friday, 8 June 2012

One True Filofax?

Hi everyone!

I was just reading Philofaxy's Free For All Friday and someone asked a question about the Ostrich filofax. This reminded me of Ro, who uses an Ostrich and it is her one and only, everything Filofax. For years she has used this and it is beaten up but each scar tells a story. You can read about Ro's Filofax obsession here on Philofaxy's Reader Under the Spotlight.

This is what I would call a One True Filofax (copyright: Me!! I'm coining this phrase and taking out a copyright on it!!!!! OK, not really...). 

Mr Ochre Malden here would be my One True Filo!!

So I'm particularly interested in what you guys think about this:
Do you desire an OTF? Do you crave finding the perfect solution? For you, is it a search for the perfect binder- the right leather, perfect colour, pocket layout? Finding the perfect size for you? Or, is it about the insides- finding the perfect set-up of inserts, dividers, planning pages, that will last you through the years. Or even finding the right diary format? I know Jotje extols the virtues of a one-life, one-planner philosophy- and I can see the virtues in this, definitely. Laurie has spent years, and established a wonderful blog, trying to find the perfect planning system for her.
Or, do you like the flexibility of being able to change between different binders, and even different sizes, as your life requires it? Do you value the ring mechanism of the Filofax for the ability to change the set-up of your filo with ease? Do you like change?

I think I am going to turn this into a regular blog feature, with guest posts and even a competition or two!! In the comments, please tell me if you think this is a good idea for a series, and if you would like to do a guest post! It could even be a guest video! Don't tell me about your One True Filofax or One True Set-Up yet, wait for the relevant blog posts :)
Get thinking about what you would like to say!!


  1. Great idea, look forward to seeing peoples thoughts and ideas

  2. One True Filofax.... Like a Filofax of power? One Filofax to rule them all, one Filofax to find them etc? Not sure my precious exists, nor that ownership of it wouldn't lead to possession. But I'd like to see if anyone else has bonded for life, how that happened and whether they could ever imagine being unfaithful.

  3. Angel Jem- I love your comment. I might have to quote your LOTR references!!! Heehee!!

  4. I love the idea of this series! I can't wait to read it. Thanks again for pointing me to Ro and for linking to her post! I am still very interested in the ostrich!

  5. Love this idea! Looking forward to seeing what you unearth in your quest :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Do'h sorry ^_^ - I missed the end comment and posted a potted history of my Fax use... thought provoking to type though, so I'd be very interested to read other people's experiences!

  8. I think it's a good idea :). I have OTF, although I'm just about to swap it into a new model and sell the old one.

  9. Great post & something I'm struggling with at the moment! For me, it's more finding the right size in the Maldens :)

  10. Great idea! I'd love to hear who sticks with one, and who, like me, change them at will.

  11. Not sure i'll ever have OTF, too much on offer to tempt me unfortunately!! I'd love to see it as a regular feature though, think it's a great idea :)

  12. Love this idea, though I don't live by the one true Filofax idea. I'd love to explain more if you need a voice from the other side! ;)


    I just need to find that perfect one and the perfect size etc....

    Trying personal again now :( x

  14. My OTF has to be my Personal Malden in grey. I love its floppiness; its stuffability; its colour; its feel. I think I'm in Filo-love!
