
Thursday, 1 March 2012

A5 Dodopad for personal filofax!

After a brief flirtation with an A5 filofax, like many others in the last few days, I have realised the A5 size is unsuitable for me. It's heavy and bulky, and I'm already happily set up in the much smaller and more portable personal-sized filo. The more I fiddle around with the set-up of my planning filofax(es) [as opposed to my information filofaxes], the more I realise I am definitely a 1-life, 1-planner girl!!
I love my personal-sized filofax... although I haven't posted about it here because it's constantly evolving. I have a day on 2 pages Day Timer Flavia insert for the current week, which gets changed out every Sunday, so the old week gets moved out and the new one gets moved in, and I have a Day Timer week on 2 pages Flavia insert for forward planning, that stays permanently in my filofax. But I struggle to plan which university work to do when on these sheets. Last September I bought this academic year's Dodopad insert for my A5 filofax, which is brilliant, and it works for me (although I can't use Dodopad for normal planning/organisation of my time, I use it well for organising when to do which piece of homework). Because the dodopad is so good for me, I want to use it all the time, but I don't want to have to take my A5 filofax everywhere with me. I need to use it in my personal-sized filofax.
Dodopad makes a personal-sized filofax dodopad insert, but it is a scaled-down version of the larger dodopad, and so the whole page is shrunk, meaning the individual boxes are just tiny!! At this size, they would be very difficult to use.

I considered just buying this insert, but I know it would end up being too small, and I already have a dodopad in A5 size for the rest of this academic year. So I thought, would it be possible to make the A5 dodopad into a personal-sized dodopad?

I took an old page, and laid a piece of filofax paper over the grid of the A5 dodopad. It fit vertically, but horizontally it was at least 1 column too wide.
I hope you can see the personal-sized flyleaf over the grid, showing the boundaries of the page.

I was willing to lose 1 column from the grid; I work left to right, and rarely reach the 5 box of the day.
Here's the sheet I cut and the rest of the paper, showing what was cut off.
1 column at least gets chopped off

On the back, some of the lovely designs and writing that make the Dodopad so unique and cute get chopped off :(

Depending on where you cut, some of the holes go through the dates on the left of the grid.
Sorry about the shadow :(

I'm considering doing this with the rest of March's pages- I think this could be brilliant for my 1-life 1-planner!! 
What do you think? Will you do this yourself?


  1. i think all of us dodo fans should do it, to show dodo that it can work PROPERLY in personal size and less of this scale down. We know what we want and need and should be listened to. xx

  2. Oh neat! :) I begged Lord Dodo to do a Daily Dodo--but was promptly shot down. I'd be totally brand loyal if they did though, as I LOVE all the funny artwork etc.

    Hope this works out well for you!

    1. I'd LOVE a Daily Dodo, but I bet it would be prohibitively expensive due to the artwork. Unless the artwork was stock for most days and just had 'special' bits on special days.

    2. Me too!! I suggested to them 1 design per week, so the same 52 designs per year!

  3. Very interesting. I'm not a huge fan of the Dodo pads. I've never used them, so I'm only speaking from a cosmetic standpoint, but it seems a little too cartoon-y for my taste. However, I feel like I must be missing something since everyone loves them so much. I did look through the offerings the other day and I might be tempted if there was a daily layout. Rori - is there a reason they won't do the daily pages?

  4. I know I'm way late coming to this but... thanks!! I'm looking to move from A5 to Personal size for my daily teacher planning as well as everything else. I'm doing this as A5 is too big to carry everywhere everyday. Was looking at Dodo versus Day timer as I do like the Dodo look. However, as I'm assuming that, in 2015, their Personal size is still too shrunken, I have now decided to go for the Day-timer 2-page per day mid year from July.
