
Monday, 20 February 2012

A good filofax idea from Alice Temperley??

Filofax has recently partnered with the British fashion designer Alice Temperley to produce 2 limited edition (and very expensive!!) filofaxes, aimed at London Fashion Week, but I think generally as a fashion accessory this summer too. They are SO ridiculously expensive ( £375-£399!!!!), and are designed to be fashion accessories- lace or pony :( skin, rather than a lasting, hard wearing organisational tool- that I WON'T be buying one!!!
But the lacy one, called 'The Affair', intrigues me. It's a strange format- it takes personal-sized filofax paper on personal-sized rings, but the size of the whole binder is actually around A5 I think, because it takes an A5 notebook, like the Flex- you can see more in this video:

I wonder if you could make a filofax of this format yourself, without spending £400? It is possible in theory- take an A5 Filofax with an appropriate slot for a notepad, and put personal-sized filo pages in it. But would it work in reality- would it look or feel silly to have only personal pages in an A5 filofax?

What do you guys think? Have any of you tried this?


  1. I think I'm alone in lusting after these new designs reading everyone's updates and tweets but I totally agree the price point is a little scary. I really like the idea of the A5 sized plus Personal sized diary rings and A5 notepad binder. I wonder if there is a way to hack it from a normal A5?


    1. Imy wants one too! So you're not alone!! I might try to hack one some day, although I don't think any of my A5s have a suitable slot for the A5 notebook- reason to buy something new?? Heehee!!

  2. I visited them in Selfridges today. They're beautiful, only 500 of each. They each come with their own dust-bag too.

    1. 5000 of each in total...not quite SO exclusive after all....

  3. The Affair looks completely bizarre on the site...awkward rather than classy (I had at least expected to drool over it quietly, knowing I'd never spend the money, but now...)

    1. I see what you mean! It looks awkward and top heavy because of that huge notebook!

  4. I went to the Filofax shop on Neal Street on Wednesday evening, and wasn't over enamoured with the Temperleys on first glance. But the inside and the inserts are fabulous... not sure I can justify the price purely because I love the inserts though... Why oh why won't FF bring out nice inserts... :o(

  5. I think it would be strange to have personal size pages in an A5 & not take advantage of the space. Hmm, lace or pony skin... I really don't fancy either & would prefer to spend that kind of money on a holiday or a laptop!
