
Saturday, 9 July 2011

London Baby!! part 2

Here's part 2 of my London adventure!!

After I had dragged myself away from the sale section, I happily made my way over to the main wall, where all the new and current filofaxes are! They are all so beautifully positioned on the shelves, in size order and so pretty! On the left-hand side of the shelves are the cheaper, non-leather varieties. I didn't spend much time looking at these.
    Instead, I immediately went for the Osterley! It's a gorgeous filo! I love the plum colour, the pattern on the leather, and how professional and stylish it looks! I found the leather better than the Amazona, but I still didn't like it as much as the buttery leather of the Malden! Being a big fan of the personal size, I picked up the two that looked like personal sizes. I had forgotten the Osterley was available in the Compact size, and when I saw it I really liked it! It would look brilliant with a whole year of day-per-page diary in it, so professional! There is a noticeable difference between the compact and the personal sizes, not only in the thickness of the filofax because of the smaller rings, but the filofax itself is also narrower (see the differences on the filofax website). It would fit very well inside a brief-case! Personally, I didn't like the inside pockets much, but then I am a fan of zipped compartments rather than card sections, but that's just me! I think the design is great, and would suit a range of people- business people, anyone who likes to look well-dressed and wants accessories to match, or anyone really! I would be VERY happy to receive one! I think it's a gorgeous piece of leather!!
    When I dragged myself away from the gorgeous Osterley, my eye immediately found the vintage pink Malden, which I had wanted to look at for ages! I am a huge fan of pink, and LOVE LOVE LOVE the Malden- I have 3 of them (2 personal and 1 pocket)!! I had wanted to see the vintage pink Malden in person since some of the people who went on the Philofaxy London trip described the colour as looking like Pepto Bismol! I had a look at it near the window to try to see the natural colour, and although I don't think it looks like Pepto Bismol, it's not one of the various shades of pink I like. I am quite glad I didn't like it, because a few months ago I was wondering how to justify buying ANOTHER personal-sized Malden, and I really don't think I need to buy another one! I am very happy with my crimson and ochre-coloured ones!
    Speaking of the ochre Malden, I was interested in seeing another one. I had my ochre Malden with me that day, as it is my daily filofax at the moment. I had read that other people had complained about the leather, as it is a bit different than the leather of the black and crimson Maldens (I'll talk more about this when I do my review of my Maldens), and I had also read that because of the nature of the leather, the colour and wear pattern on every ochre Malden is slightly different. I compared my ochre to the one on the shelf, and I think mine is nicer- the colour is more natural-looking, and slightly more worn and antiqued looking (a good thing!)! Mine came from America, I don't know if that made a difference!
    I looked at a few more filofaxes, I can't remember them all now! It was a very busy and stressful day, so I can't remember a lot of the minute details. I wish I had made a list of the ones I looked at in the shop, but I was just so in awe that I couldn't take my eyes off the filofaxes! I think the shop is so brilliant that there is definitely too much to look at in one trip! I wish I had been in London for more than one day! I wish there was a filofax shop in other places- I don't know why they have 2 filofax shops in 1 city! Maybe they should build one in another city, for example Birmingham! That is quite close to a number of other cities and is easier for some people to get to than London. Being in Liverpool for most of the year, I would definitely make an effort to get to Birmingham a few times a year just to go to the filofax shop!
    Now that I think back at it, I can think of a few filofaxes I wish I had looked at more, or looked at at all, as I can't remember if I even saw a few of the newer models! But I'm very glad I got the opportunity to go to a filofax shop and see a lot of the filos I had been longing to see!!


  1. Oh, and I forgot to mention- I bought NOTHING!!! I don't know whether that's a good or bad thing! I took a catalogue home as a souvenir thought!

  2. Oh yay for buying nothing. You could be doing the FabFrugal Challenge! Hehe! I didn't like the pink of the vintage pink either and it was me who described it as pepto bismol. I love my crimson Malden though!

    The Osterley does look amazing but I can't get any more Filofaxes :-(

  3. Loved this post and well done for not buying anything (but secretly feel very sad too I'm so bad when I get in store they all just look so lovely)

    I also didn't like the Vintage Pink when I first saw it but I now own a Personal sized one as I also have the Crimson but it didn't feel like me so I ordered the Rose and now I love the shade. It's far more subtle than my pink Chameleon and Adelphi but it also feels and looks far more elegant :0) the Maldens are just the best aren't they


  4. Sounds like you had a wonderfull time!!!

    Did you get to the museum?

    I know it takes alot of travelling to do it in a few hours, we some how managed to get alot done in 5 hours last monday hehe :-X

  5. @CP I am trying to do the Fabfrugal challenge but I'm finding it hard! I buy things when I'm bored and I'm very bored at the moment!

    @LoulouDorset Yes the Malden is wonderful! I love mine sooooo much!! I think it is the ultimate filofax, I hope they come out in lots of other colours! Have you blogged about your vintage rose yet?

    @Imy Yeah I had a quick go around the statue gallery of the Egypt part of the British museum, I love it so much!! Unfortunately the upstairs Egypt galleries weren't open but I wouldn't have had time to go to them anyway! You did really well to get to all the places in London you managed to!
