
Sunday, 29 January 2012

And it all starts again...

Hi everyone!
I haven't posted in ages! I've had 3 essays plus other work to do in the past few weeks, so I've been really busy, and then this week, after I handed my last essay in on Monday, I couldn't seem to do anything substantial. My brain just wanted a rest!!

But now my brain is getting into action again, because term starts tomorrow. I don't have any lectures until Tuesday, but I've just found out I have some homework due in on Tuesday (they don't tell you these things, you have to find them out for yourselves!), so I'm going to spend tonight and tomorrow getting ORGANISED!!

Of course, I have my beautiful Filofaxes to keep me organised... although I feel I need to keep adjusting the way I use them to improve myself, but that's a whole other story! I'm sure I'll write more about that in the coming weeks!
Any way, today I have done some housework and dissertation stuff (although not much!), and now I am doing my Sunday night filofax-preview. Well, unfortunately I don't do it that regularly... I don't think I've done it for a few months! Sunday night is the most logical time to do it because it prepares you for the week ahead... but unfortunately Sunday nights were my most busy last term! But in this coming term, I don't have any lectures on Mondays, so hopefully I won't have much work to do on Sundays, so I can do my Filofax-previews again!! I'll do a post on my previewing soon!

This is my second term of my MA, and the last term when I have lectures :S  My last lecture is on my birthday!! and I don't know whether to commiserate or celebrate afterwards! I think I will miss my lectures after they finish... Then in the summer I will have no lectures, but occasional dissertation meetings, because my whole summer will be dedicated to writing my dissertation! So wish me luck with that!

Anyway, I hope I'll get back to regular blogging soon! Hope you all have a lovely week!