
Saturday, 23 April 2011

Back to the singular, perfect filo...

I've just ordered a personal ochre Malden for my birthday!
They are no longer available in the UK, so I got it from the American website pens and leather :) The actual filofax was very cheap, approx. £45, and the postage was quite a lot to ship to the UK, but I expect that. But then the total price of the whole transaction was cheaper than if I had bought it brand new from the UK filofax website (if it was still available)!
I've seen lots of pictures of it on flikr, and I love the look of it!! I look forward to filling it with everything... I think I am a one-filofax girl, I want my diary and lists and journal in 1 perfect filofax, not two like I have now! But I will still find some uses for my other filofaxes!

But I don't want to have to wait until 9th May to get it, my 22nd birthday... ooh the anticipation!

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Unexpected love...

When I bought my A5 Domino it was because I had this desire to fill a filofax full of important information, planners and fact sheets for my course/future career in Egyptology. I had asked my mum for an A5 Kendal, but as a graduation present so I wouldn't be receiving it until June or July. I had read that the Domino was a good A5 filofax because it was much lighter than leather filofaxes, so I thought it would be good because it would be easier to carry around campus, and also I could use it between then and when I receive my A5 Kendal. But I seriously didn't think I would like it that much. I really love leather filofaxes, and wouldn't consider buying a non-leather personal filofax unless I had to use it for a messy job like travelling etc; also I didn't like the colour of the material on the inside covers. But when I received it I realised how great it is!
It's really quite an impressive little filofax! HUGE rings, only the Finsbury and now the Malden rival it. The elastic closure is quite useful for holding down papers while on the move, although I haven't used it for this yet. And it can take a knock, and is easily cleanable if it gets something messy on it.
Ok, so it isn't the most glamorous of things, but I don't want anything too serious and professional because I am still young (21, almost 22) and I don't want to grow up yet! I already have a glamorous filofax, my pocket Malden, and I wouldn't want to get a beautiful leather one damaged, as I imagine it could shoved in the bottom of my backpack. So the Domino is perfect :)
To be honest, I haven't used it much. I've been to busy to really use it as a planner or put any important information or fact sheets in it. But yesterday I received my new Dodo Pad A5 refill, and I'm trying it out, so the Domino gets a good try out too!
A normal-looking Domino you say? Well, it's what's inside that counts... :)

In the envelope inside I have a lovely card from my mum and a Pink Lady sticker from an apple I ate yesterday :) (If you've seen my room or wardrobe, you'll know how much I love pink!)
I haven't put anything in the pockets yet, but when I take this to uni I'll put my student card etc in it, and when I go home in the summer I'll take photos of my dog and cat and put one in the photo card slot :)
This week from my new dodo pad diary :) I only got it yesterday, so I haven't filled in Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday. I usually fill my diary in the night before, so I don't really know what I'm doing tomorrow yet until I finish all my work today.
I use a cute little arrow paper clip as a page marker. I think the filofax ruler page markers are annoying and get in the way. I'll use this paper clip to clip a copy of my timetable on an index card to once I start having lectures again. I'll do a new one each week just in case something changes. I don't need a proper copy of my timetable because I memorise it pretty quickly, but I do like to have a columned-appointments diary page to view next to my list of jobs/tasks etc. The main reason is because I can then see the gaps in between lectures/meetings/shifts, and therefore I can work out how much time I can spend in the library researching, or if I have time for lunch (which I usually don't). I need a changeable one, i.e. one that I can add to, rather than a timetable of fixed recurring events which lasts a whole term, because I often have extra shifts at work or meeting/appointments to add. I couldn't afford a whole square on the grid on the right to this; instead, if I have something extra to add, I will just write "meeting" which will remind me to look at the timetable on the left!
I'll do a review of the dodo pad another time, because I need to use it more and I also think this post is too long already!

Then I have my time-planners. These are 1 day to 2 pages refills I made on Word and printed out, which is easy-peasy because they are A5- just chop A4 paper in half! It's also really easy to print double-sided, something I don't know how to do with personal pages.
On the left, if I have any appointments I write them on there so I don't forget them when I'm in the library bogged down with books. Then I write to-dos, e.g. "print essay" etc.
On the right I put down the instructions for work I have to do that day- e.g. "Read X's book. Make notes and make list of references to chase up. Then compare to X's article"
At the bottom I record what I've done so that I know how far I've progressed, and also feel a sense of accomplishment :)
Here is an example :)
I haven't really filled up the rest of the filo, but this is the sort of thing I want to fill it with, things I would otherwise forget but need to refer to. This is a project I intend to do over the summer. And for you, some of my research techniques for free!
I store my old time planners and notes for previous projects in here too, but will probably move them out when it becomes too full. I put personal and pocket sized pages in here too :)
I don't use the address alphabet tabs for addresses, but I will use it for a glossary of Egyptology-related things: information about sites, historical events, Pharaohs and other important ancient Egyptians, information about excavators, also reviews and summaries of books :) I like making use of these alphabet tabs, seeing as how I don't have enough addresses to fill them! I'm going to use the tabs in my pocket to put my French and German vocabulary notes in order :) I think that is quite a good idea, if I do say so myself!
I put a Staples A5 top-bound notepad in here :) I refuse to pay filofax prices! It cost £1.80 for a pack of 2, it fits almost perfectly in the notepad slot and you get twice as many pages! I've started punching holes on the pages with my little single hole-punch (also refuse to pay £30 for a filofax punch!)
 Quite thick already even though I've not really put anything in it! Oh dear, I might need another one, maybe Ultra Violet this time?!

In conclusion, I love my little Domino! I think I may even change my mind on buying the A5 Malden! It's fun, kooky, it doesn't take itself too seriously, light-weight, and I'm not afraid on getting it a bit messy!
But I'm not sure how often I will be able to take it to uni, I often have lots of books to take and quite honestly, my personal Kendal is much more portable. But on days when I don't have many books, Rufus (my Domino's name!) will accompany me :)

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Can I wait...?

I might be going to London with my family this summer, so will DEFINITELY have to visit the filofax shop (or both... ;b) for a good look. I imagine my mum will be as bored as when I take her around Egyptology museums! But I will be in my element, running around like a little kid in a sweet shop, naming all the filofaxes "Oh look, there's a Finchley, isn't it pretty?! Ooh, a Cuban Zipped, yumm! *Strokes the filofax, knocks the display case over*"
I would like a nice A5 filo, a reeeallly nice one!! I have an A5 Domino in red, but it just not luxury... I've ummed and erred during the past 2 days deciding what to ask for for my birthday... a Finchley? well which colour, red or purple? A cuban? but it doesn't open flat! A chameleon? will I like the pattern?
Finally I think I've settled on a Malden A5! But learning from my past mistake, I will definitely have to see it in person before I ask my mum to buy it, hence the visit to Conduit St!
I like it because a) it lays flat :), b) I know the leather is gorgeous, c) I like the clasp, d) I like the zip pocket on the front, e) thanks to Steve, 30mm rings!!!
and I know I've forgotten a reason, but I think 5 is enough to justify it!
But deciding between the vintage pink and the ochre... hmm... that will take some thinking! And a visit in person, maybe a couple of visits over the course of our city break :)
P.S. what is your opinion, is it better to bite the bullet, decide on the filofax you want then and there in the shop and go home with your new beloved filofax in your bag, but risk making a wrong decision because you haven't slept on it, or spending some time thinking about it, going home and ordering it online but walking out of the filofax shop empty handed?? Dilemma!

Saturday, 16 April 2011


Filofax should offer a try-before-you-buy service, where you can take one home for a week to get a feel of it, see how it fits in with your life and most importantly, fall in love with it and justify it to yourself before you spend a small fortune on it... and then later regret it and buy a new one!

Bye bye Malden...

I couldn't keep silent for long!

I'm returning my crimson pocket Malden. I've just never fallen in love with her, and I'm not using her fully. I loved the Malden as soon as I saw it on the filofax website and when I was on a filo buying-binge I decided to buy the pocket, instead of the Amazona I had my eye on. I thought "It will be perfect, it will lay flat and be soft and supple and I can write uni work stuff in it and carry it everywhere because it's smaller than a personal!" Well I was right about it being soft and supple, the leather is gorgeous. But I was wrong about it laying flat- because it's a pocket size it's got the full-length wallet pocket on the back which creates a bump in the leather when open and tips to the left. And I made a mistake buying the pocket size, I should have splashed out £12 extra to buy the personal size which is so much more useful for my needs. And I'm the sort of person who needs to have 1 diary in 1 place and thinking I could use this as a more portable diary separate to my main one is a problem because I would spend ages transporting information between one and the other.
The main purpose of this filofax was to put my day planners in- that is, blank pocket-sized sheets with instructions/to-do lists of what research I have to do in the library on days when I am doing a lot of research for essays etc. Well why can't I put that in my personal? It was a good idea to carry a smaller filo with me to save on space and weight in my bag, but I find that I can't separate myself from my personal sized filo, it's my security blanket!
So she is going back to filofax, to go to a home where someone else will love her as she deserves!
I still love the Malden range, although I would love to see a personal in person before I splash out on the website again! I feel a visit to the London store(s) coming!
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I feel like (after buying 6 filofaxes) I am becoming more and more a 1-filofax girl... which is a problem seeing as how I have a collection now!!

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Temporary break...

I think I need to take a temporary break from filofaxes... unfortunately :(

I don't know how many hours I've wasted over the past few weeks since I discovered filofaxes, reading blogs, researching the best filos, watching ebay auctions and hunting down the best inserts etc. But I have my dissertation to hand in very soon and then an essay and 3 exams to revise for... and I've wasted all day today! I can't afford to miss any more time! So I think I will take a break at least until May 5th :( I suppose all of my favourite reading material will still be there when I come back, especially my beloved philofaxy :) but for now I suppose I will have to go radio silent! (Although I may post if something exciting happens! It will be a good opportunity for me to actually USE my filos rather than just reading about using them, and a good chance for my bank balance to recover too!
So I will be back in a few weeks!

My Kendals arrived!!!


I bought them on Saturday, and they were dispatched late on Monday, and the estimated date of delivery was supposed to be within 5 to 7 days because they were sent by second class, but actually they arrived really quickly (and by first class!)

I bid on the ebay auction within the last 5 minutes and no-one else bid on them so I won and only had to pay the starting price!!

The package included-
Kendal pocket in brown, with to-dos, expenses, note paper, addresses, address tabs and normal tabs plus a top-opening envelope. No diary
Kendal personal in brown, with 2011 week to view diary, tabs, to-dos, expenses, website lists, note paper, addresses and address tabs!

And the package came with extras-
2 personal black rulers/page markers
2 pocket black rulers
Blue/grey alphabet (address) tabs for personal
Another personal week on 2 pages diary!
Another pocket top-opening envelope
2 packs of pocket white ruled notepaper, the value pack with 100 sheets in each
and miscellaneous inserts/refills for the personal- address tabs with little letters instead of capital letters; cotton cream addresses; cotton cream blank paper; cotton cream lined paper; cotton cream to-dos; and more tabs!!

What a great haul!
Now I've just got to figure out what I'm going to do with it all!

I'll give a review of the Kendal once I've used it for a while :)

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

My first post... just a load of waffle really!!

So this is my blog... let's see how long this lasts! Very bad timing, seeing as how I have to finish my dissertation in 3 weeks and I have an essay plus 3 exams before the end of May, but this blog will be a nice distraction from my work... or a bad distraction!!

My blog will mostly be about filofaxes because I am OBSESSED about them at the moment! Also I might throw in some stuff about my life as a student...

I currently have 4 filofaxes, and 2 more are on the way from ebay :)

  • My first is a raspberry personal Finsbury, her name is Violet and she's gorgeous, and holds my personal stuff, lists etc, plus my diary, but I will move that soon to another one- I'll talk more about that later
  • My second is my red A5 Domino, called Rufus. I plan my uni work in it, with instructions for each essay I have to write in it, progress lists and most importantly my timeplanners, which are custom day to 2 page diary sheets, undated with an appointments and to-dos on one side, and notes and a journal section on the other. It's really useful to plan in, but I've been too busy to do it by the time my essays are looming! But it should be extremely useful during my MA and PhD to keep on top of everything and plan :)
  • My third is my pocket crimson Malden, called Ruby, and she is absolutely beautiful and elegant, I can definitely see myself using this when I am older. I think if I ever move permanently to the pocket size for my everyday, on-the-move diary/notebook/list filofax this will be it :) So professional looking, but cute and gorgeous at the same time :) She holds my day planners, which are actually miniature versions of my time planners that I write in Rufus, but small so I can carry it around campus and use in the library when I have tonnes of books to carry. Actually, my time planners aren't on proper filofax paper, or even a structured table printed out onto paper, but blank pocket-sized paper I cut and punched from normal A4 paper!
  • My fourth is my caramel Finchley mini, she is for shopping lists and a reference diary so that when I go around town I can write anything down I need to without having to take my personal with me
My new ones should be coming from ebay in a few days. I bought 2 Kendal filos, 1 in personal and 1 in pocket in one transaction, they were being sold together. I've seen an A5 Kendal which I LOVED and now I've seen a pocket, but I haven't yet seen a personal, so I hope it's as great as I imagine! I think I might sell the pocket on, I think having 5 filos is enough! I might use the personal to put my whole year's (day to a page) diary in it, because I can't fit that in my Finsbury at the moment because it has other papers with lists etc on!
But the beauty of filofaxes is that they are completely flexible! I can adapt them as I want!

Soon I'll put pictures on flikr :)

Now, back to dissertation writing!